Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Work Out Like An…UnCelebrity???

Even the most dedicated fitness fanatic will have a moment of green-faced jealousy at the sight of Matthew McConaughey's golden, washboard abs. Or how about an über-fit Jennifer Garner as she sports a barely-there bikini? More than one person has traded in their remote control rights in favor of a gym membership after catching a glimpse of the latest beautiful body in Hollywood.

So what, right? At least people are getting motivated to work out! My answer to that: Yes and no. Anything that gets people across the threshold of a gym is fantastic. The problem is that a celebrity's picture tacked up on your wall is not going to keep you going once the honeymoon's over. Other commitments come up, life gets in the way, or maybe the results just aren't coming fast enough. If your only reason for working out is to look good, you're going to find a reason to hang up the running shoes. Why? Because it just doesn't matter enough.

A few well-placed muscles are not a bad side effect to adopting a healthier lifestyle. And I wouldn't say no to a nice, flat stomach! But a great body is just that – a bonus. If you are going to succeed with your fitness goals, you need to plan to work out like your life depends on it, because it does. That sounds very melodramatic, I know, but look around you! According to Statistics Canada's latest survey, almost 13 million Canadians are overweight. That's 38%! In the United States, the number is a staggering 57% of the population. Eight of the top ten causes of death in North America (and arguably all ten of the top ten…) are lifestyle related. The 20 to 40-year-olds are predicted to be the first generation ever to be outlived by their parents.

Am I saying that we're doomed? Of course not! But what you need to understand about your fitness plan is that you need to do it for YOU. Not when you're bored and have nothing better to do, but every day. Do something small, something easy. Every healthy choice you make brings you one step farther away from being the victim of an unhealthy society. Choosing to go for a walk instead of watching TV might just make all the difference. Foregoing a second piece of cake can get you more than just a swimsuit-worthy body. I'm sure most of you have friends or family members suffering from heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and any number of other medical conditions. Maybe you yourself do.

It doesn't have to be that way. I encourage you to make a choice.


1 comment:

  1. Good article. Fitness must go more than just skin-deep. Fortunately, it alters our physical experience in a positive way when we're in shape. Iin this case, it is much better to feel good, than to look good!
